Beginning in 1997, the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) was replaced by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). This six digit code is a major revision that not only provides for newer industries, but also reorganizes the categories on a production/process-oriented basis. This new, uniform, industry-wide classification system has been designed as the index for statistical reporting of all economic activities of the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.*

View our full list of NAICS Codes here.

NAICS CodesNAICS Industry DescriptionSize Standards
in millions of dollars
Size standards in number of employees
236220Commercial and Institutional Building Construction
541310Architectural Services
541330Engineer Services
561320Temporary Help Services
423450Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers100
541513Computer Facilities Management Services$         27.5
541611Administrative Management and General Management Consulting Services$         15.0
541614Process, Physical Distribution and Logistics Consulting Services$         15.0
561210Facilities Support Services12$         38.5